The Cat Knits...

A singular forum to discuss knitting as craft, therapy, and way of life (with or without the benefit of cats).

Monday, October 19, 2009

Woolly brain fog

It was quite humid last week, which was very unusual for this part of the country. We might have a day or two, but never a week's worth of high humidity all at once. Perhaps, that was why I kept casting on the same scarf two...three times with two different yarns and it never worked out. I would finish a skein and realize I was only a third of the way through. Then I went to our yarn shop's special Third Thursday of the Month sale--tweed yarns @ 40% off this month--and got a hank of pretty blue flecked tweed from Australia. Well over the 200 yards I needed. So it finally rained and the humidity went away and I read the pattern again. Yes, you guessed it! I needed 2...TWO...hanks or skeins of 200 yards each. DUH! The dilemma is now do I go back and buy another pricey skein of Australian wool for full price? Well, it would be a 20% over all discount. Maybe I'll find another nice scarf pattern. Sigh!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Where's ... what's his name?

Finally! That young man with the over sized glasses and red-and-white stripped shirt was FOUND atop a San Francisco office building. Can you spot him?
No, not Harry Potter. It's W _ _ _ _!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Purl & Putt

You've heard of Stitch & Bitch and Knit and Pitch. Well, now there's Purl and Putt. My recent visit to the Presidents Cup Golf Tournament was a productive day yielding two caps... knitted and purled in an acrylic and wool blend green yarn. Sorry, but there are no photos of me actually knitting at the event since personal cameras, PDAs, and cellphones were banned. That evening on the TV sports recap of the event I did catch a glimpse of myself sitting at the 7th Hole. My few minutes of fame have come and gone, but the hats remain. This is a great little pattern for a fast knit. Using chunky weight yarn, cast on 60 on US 10.5/16" circular needles. K2 P2 rib for 29 rounds. Decrease row: K2tog, P2 around. Next round: K1, P2tog around. K1 P1 for the next two rounds. Then, K2tog for the next two rounds. Cut yarn. Thread through remaining stitches and finish. Cap is stretchy and should fit most people.

Monday, October 05, 2009

Seasons Change

It's Autumn...already? There is a definite cold snap in the air. Brrr! First frost warning called off, but lemon bush is under the balcony overhang that is it's wintering spot. We must find the tarp to cover it up soon.