The Cat Knits...

A singular forum to discuss knitting as craft, therapy, and way of life (with or without the benefit of cats).

Friday, April 29, 2011

Can't Keep a Yarn Shop Closed

I actually moped around when the Fiber Emporium was set to close its doors. But, like a law of Nature, it is written (somewhere): You can't keep a good yarn shop closed down. There is a new owner and it is to reopen soon. Happy happy joy joy!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Farewell West County Fiber

Life has a way of striking when you least expect it or to strike in a way that you could not imagine. Our ambitious and newest fiber emporium is closing. They opened in February, and I became really invested in their vision. After taking a drop spindle class, I was really looking forward to a future of spinning classes, knitting, and eventually reviving my weaving interests. On Tuesday, when I stopped in to see if the closure was real--Yes, I hoped it was a bad April Fool's joke--everyone in the shop looked to be in shock. We walked among the baskets of roving and shelves of yarn and stroked the beautiful fibers. Alas! The business is for sale, and will close in May. Unless ... someone from our strong community of fiber artists, knitters, spinners, and weavers decides to try a career in retail.

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Jane Eyre

Attention all Knitters,
Go see Jane Eyre the latest version by Cary Fukunaga in theaters now. What a luscious, gorgeous production in blues, greys, and browns. Check out Jane's fabulous knitted accessories: fingerless gloves, scarves, and those shawls.... Yum! Ravelry has the Mie pattern that was published in Filcolana. I hope I have some DK weight in my stash....