Happy Halloween!

Trick or treat? Had so much fun working on my little pins that I blew the timeline. Still.... I think some of them can be year round adornments. Maybe not the Jack O' Lanterns, but definitely the bats (Yeah, Pro-bat!) and cats. Anyway, thought I'd share them with you all before they go their separate ways. (The black cat pin and the bat against the purple swatch are available at http://CatKnits.etsy.com.)
The orange swatches are Patons cotton Grace, black is Lion Brand's microspun, the purple and dark green are Lion Brand's Chenille Sensations, the dragonfly is against Red Heart Tweed, and the silver and black is Bernat's Matrix. I've never knitted with Matrix before and was pleased that it would cooperate with my miniature needles. The pins are approximately 3" W x 2-1/2" H.