The Cat Knits...

A singular forum to discuss knitting as craft, therapy, and way of life (with or without the benefit of cats).

Monday, September 20, 2010

Brandywine Shawl II

I had such a great experience with the Brandywine Shawl that I thought I would knit another one as a special gift. Alas! The last time must have been beginner's luck. Just had to rip, rip, rip out back to my first lifeline. Sob! Perhaps, it's the linen thread.... Actually, I was enjoying working with Habu Textile linen. Now, there is a word of caution. It does tend to split, but that could be because I had to rip out and then re-knit. Also invested in a set of long blocking wires to make this shawl sharp when I'm done.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

More on the Sweater Poles

The local paper ran a story complete with photos on the street pole sweater project. Of course, there are stats, because without numbers... well, the worth of a thing can't be justified without numbers, can it? (All right, math rant is over.) So "what began with 20 knitters quickly spun into 100..." and we knitted up 14,000 yards of wool and wool blends. Well, that does sound somewhat impressive. It was interesting to read that some people thought we should have knitted things for charity instead of contributing to a public art project. Alas! Poor knitting, forever consigned to be a lowly craft and not a fine art. For complete story:

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Pole Sweater Update

The poles of Fourth Street are now clothed. I missed the fun on Thursday night, but those who turned out did a great job. What fun to see our handiwork. The sweaters should be up for at least two months although we hope that it will be extended.