The Cat Knits...

A singular forum to discuss knitting as craft, therapy, and way of life (with or without the benefit of cats).

Saturday, December 22, 2007

O Wonderful Season...

O wonderful season that turns cats into fluffy balls of roving.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Tree Trimming Howard's Way

Thank you everyone for your kind words and condolences. Learning to get on in life without a beloved family member is a long and tangled process. As we near the Holidays, it's hard not to think of Howard and the way he influenced our lives. For instance, he taught us how to decorate our tree. The first year, he broke the glass ornaments that were within his reach. Of course. I learned to hang the quilted stockings and needlepointed angels on the lowest branches. One year, he ate the plaited straw ornaments that my husband and I got for our first Christmas together. Any remaining ornaments made of straw or grass remained wrapped and safe in the ornament box. The little wooden birds in their nest were once found down the hallway a long way from the tree. After that, the nest was always hung near the top. I suppose, I was grateful that he never tried to climb the tree or gnaw on the electrical cords. And, there was that one year when it snowed and I got a beautiful shot of Howard in snow. White on white: it was definitely Christmas card material. But I digress.... After all these years of trimming the tree to Howard's specifications, this year--our first Christmas without him--I will hang the stockings and angels and plush animals on the lowest branches. The largest ornaments will be on the largest branches at the bottom and the smaller and more delicate pieces will be at the top. Cat logic? We're doing it Howard's way again.