Saturday, July 20, 2013
Sunday, July 14, 2013
At the end of Week 2 of the Tour de Fleece/France, I have spun the pound of wool. I can't believe I found the time to spin the whole thing! Now the plying begins. Here is skein 3 and, with any luck, I'll have skein 4 later tonight. (Although, it seems to me, Mystery has the Inspector Morse prequel series Endeavor on tonight....)
I think I am getting better. I would like to achieve a kind of consistency and not spin yards and yards of art yarn. My spinning teacher tries to discourage me from spinning or yearning to produce perfectly spun singles. And I agree with her philosophy, in general, that hand spun should celebrate the qualities of human endeavor, which is imperfection. We are not machines, but I would like fewer sections that look like thread next to fat, untwisted roving. Despite what everyone says, it does not all even out in the plying. I seem to match the fat sections with fat and the thread with thread.
The other bit of good progress has been with the sprinting project on the little Jenkins drop spindle. Happily, my singles are looking much more uniform in their imperfection. I spun all of the onion skin dyed roving and have started on the Brazil wood ounce. I think it will make a nice 2-color, 2-ply yarn when completed at the end of next week when the Tour challenge ends!
How will I keep motivated when I don't have France to spin for?
Saturday, July 06, 2013
Somehow I over twisted when I plyed the singles. It took time and some weighty persuasion for most of the yarns to relax but the skeins are not yet balanced. One is less twisted than the other for whatever reason. I guess that is something I should be trying to figure out.... ( I think I had the bobbin turned the "wrong" way and it was not the best configuration for plying.)
I might be half-way through the pound of wool now. It doesn't seem possible, because that pound of wool looked like a big, fluffy mountain when I got it out of the plastic bag. We-ell, if I did my math right, we're looking at 376 yards of over wrought 2-ply wool! So if I don't screw up too badly, I will have 750 yards by the end of the Tour.
Thursday, July 04, 2013
Time Trials
Well, the teams are in Marseilles and competing in their team trials. Fast times for some advantage in the Tour. I am happy to say I have spun two bobbins that are ready to be plied. I wish I could say that I am improving in consistency, but that still seems to elude me. I also haven't hit on the optimum threadling speed for the type of single I wish to spin. Perhaps, it's more a problem of keeping up a consistent speed to get enough twist. It looks fine as it zips onto the bobbin, but if I take a closer look at it, the twist seems to vanish before my eyes. Pedal faster and harder?
Tuesday, July 02, 2013
Tour de Fleece--The Sprint
I've been staying up late to watch the Tour de France as they cycle and climb up the mountainous roads in Corsica. If only I could spin as they spin, but I find I really need a lot of light to see what I'm doing, and our house has a tendency toward darkness.... Plus it would mean carrying the spinning wheel down a flight of stairs to be in front of the big TV set. I try to avoid moving Mr. Schacht as much as possible. He is not a portable appliance.
Let's see, is it Day 3 or 4 with the Tour? Okay. It's now Day 4--July 2. At the end of Day 3, I had just filled up the bobbin with 4 oz of the Shetland Wool. Lots more spinning to be done. Will I finish? Well, plying is fun and tends to go pretty fast. Kind of like riding the bicycle down a big, long hill!