Face Cloths
The mood struck and I've been knitting facecloths for the last few weeks. It's not my favorite thing to do, although it's a project that is easily started and quickly finished. Michael's sale on Lily cotton yarn was a little too successful and I really had to work the stash down. Face cloths seemed more appealing than dish cloths, but dish cloths are also looming for the near future.
This was also a good opportunity to weed through the burgeoning pattern file. So I've been knitting the different patterns in the collection and finding out what I really like. Would I knit it again? It's interesting that some patterns do much better to have a border on all four sides, even if the designer makes no mention of a border. One of the lace work cloths pulls severely to one side, and I'm not sure blocking will fix the skew. Feather & Fan, my all-time favorite, always seems to work into a pleasing pattern.
There are so many local soap makers around, that a face cloth and bar of handmade soap is becoming my go-to birthday or special occasion gift. Okay. Remember the first lesson a knitter must learn? Be conscious of who you give a hand-knit gift to. I did have one person say it made the perfect "doily" for her sofa...another refused to use it... and the third said it was just the kind of big dish rag that her neighbor liked. Lesson learned? Most of the face cloths found happy and grateful recipients.