I was trying to break out of my rut of home-gotowork-homeagain so last week I decided to go to an author reading at my local book store Copperfield's Books. It was an added incentive that my LYS Knitterly co-sponsored the event. I didn't go home and took myself out to dinner instead. Wow! I was breaking all sorts of patterns. The mighty author who blasted me out of my comfort zone was Rachael Herron. She was promoting her new book
A life in Stitches and it seemed like the place to be for a knitter who likes to read. Rachael was delightful! The
pieces (not chapters) that she read were funny, moving, and likely to be quite meaningful to any knitter. She also wore a gorgeous Romi lace shawl that I wanted to touch, but didn't. Knitting was encouraged during the reading (how often does that happen?), and the gal at the end of my row was spinning with a drop spindle. Several people not only knew about spinning, but recognized the beautiful Jenkins Turkish Spindle that she had. It was gorgeous. For more from the knitter who writes, read Rachael's blog
Yarnagogo. Buy her book, too.