Just back from a long weekend jaunt to Southern Oregon. Discovered a couple of wonderful yarn shops in Ashland and Medford. Possibly there were others, but I only had time to linger in two: Middleford Yarn & Stitchery in Medford and Websters in Ashland. Both very different in style, but chock full of gorgeous yarns, roving for spinning, clothing & jewelry at Websters, stitchery supplies at Middleford. The Ashland shop also stocks worsted weight yarn from local sheep. I always ask for locally made or produced yarns, roving, and other things. I am usually disappointed at how few local items are for sale in the shops, but in this case I scored big with yarn and the Lo-Lo Bar by Bar-Maids. A truly "delicious" moisturizer. (Okay, actually made in Washington, but purported to have been created in Oregon.)