The Cat Knits...

A singular forum to discuss knitting as craft, therapy, and way of life (with or without the benefit of cats).

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Do not start the New Year off with a cold! Take it from one who knows. At least it is not the H1N1. I've had enough bed rest to last a lifetime, but sitting up to read or knit seems to zap my energy levels. Who would have thought that sitting was tiring? I can't even muster the energy to watch TV. I guess I am sick.

When I can, I'm knitting wash cloths and catching up on my reading. I have knitted up five wash cloths of different designs, and have finished two of the five knitting novels that I've collected. Bartlett's Knitting was captivating. Her novel was like an intarsia pattern with different characters/colors apart then touching and all of it making a complete fabric in the end. Did that sound delirious? Is my fever back?