The Cat Knits...

A singular forum to discuss knitting as craft, therapy, and way of life (with or without the benefit of cats).

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Endings and New Beginnings

It's that time of year when long time colleagues sometimes decide it's their time to move on. The feral cats and I will miss one such person who has always "been there" for us. Her work with the cats was instrumental in showing that it was better to maintain a steady population at our work site instead of sending them all off to the pound. A fund to continue her work was created and named after her. It really is a good thing...a second best thing, I suppose, if adoptions can't be arranged. I knitted her a cotton scarf with cat motifs for a good bye present. I adapted it from the Peruvian Cat Lace Scarf pattern in Donna Druchunas' Kitty Knits book.