The Cat Knits...

A singular forum to discuss knitting as craft, therapy, and way of life (with or without the benefit of cats).

Monday, May 26, 2008

The short and the long of "It"

Here is one of my projects that will have to be a testament to hard work and poor planning. Seized by the desire to cable something, I started this scarf a long while ago with a skein of yarn that my imagination assured me would be enough. You can guess what happened. I started working on it again and I finally had to conclude that there was not enough yarn to make a scarf of good length. I may have already expressed a thought about making it a 2-color scarf, but...I didn't. By the time I took the trouble to measure, "It" was too long to just add the second color and keep going. I would have had to rip out almost two-feet of scarf. I must confess that I also did not take to the cable pattern and had a lot of problems with it. So the temptation to stop cabling won out and I bound It off. I am trying to convince myself that I'm satisfied to have an ascot-length piece. But It still lies in my work basket. As much as I came to dislike the pattern, I still like the idea of the 2-color scarf....


At 6:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jo, hope you've had a great holiday weekend.

How about a neckwarmer? I've seen some really nice ones on Ravelry. A couple of great buttons, and you'd have a cute accessory and an FO. :)

At 3:58 PM, Blogger Mistrmi said...

Cables severely test my patience. And not having enough yarn is beyond exasperating.


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