First Daffodils - Happy Spring!

My daffodils are always the first in the neighborhood to bloom ... usually at the end of January. I'm told I planted them at the wrong time. I always hoped/thought they might correct themselves, but it hasn't happened yet. I suppose I no longer mind that they appear at a time when nights are still long and the garden is drab and still. Seeing those cheerful, bright yellow heads always thrills me. It's always such a big decision whether I should leave them in the garden for all to enjoy or to cut them and bring them inside where I can enjoy their fragrance and beauty. Approaching winter storms usually force a decision to cut the flowers and enjoy them inside. There are no more blooms in my garden, but the trees are starting to bud and bloom.
I hope you're beginning to see more signs of Spring wherever you live.
What could be lovelier than daffodils?
Oh, yes --- my recent gifts from you! Thank you, Friend!!
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