The Cat Knits...

A singular forum to discuss knitting as craft, therapy, and way of life (with or without the benefit of cats).

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Knitting nightmare

I had my first knitting nightmare last night. There was a full moon so the room was too bright. It was just too warm to sleep. The weather is changing from spring to summer this week (65-100 degrees in a mere five days). Every night creature was making its rounds and the perimeter light kept going on-and-off like a neon sign on the side of a skid row hotel. Yes, the perfect set-up for bad dreams. So there I was back at the Holiday Faire and everyone wanted knitted slippers: Not felted Mary Janes, but those lumpy. garter stitch ones that you find at bazaars. Slippers that I had knitted with Red Heart yarns from the Ben Franklin store for every member of my family one year long ago. (No one ever wore them.) Slippers that I was thinking of knitting...again. OH NO! Is it time to find a new pattern?


At 5:24 AM, Blogger Mistrmi said...

Probably. Mostly, I'm glad someone else remembers Ben Franklin stores!!!

Sleep well tonight.


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