The Cat Knits...

A singular forum to discuss knitting as craft, therapy, and way of life (with or without the benefit of cats).

Wednesday, July 04, 2012


Can you see him ... or her? This lizard was so thirsty that s/he ran across half the yard to get a drink. It certainly couldn't see it dribbling out of a hose on the ground. Did it hear the sound of running water? Does water have a smell or alter the taste in the air? How did it know water was flowing?  The fact that I was there was immaterial until s/he had drunk it's fill. Then it took a moment to glance at me and consider its situation. And took another long drink.

Years ago, the little lawn in the front was the first victim to water conservation. It was replaced by blue shale gravel, which didn't offer quite the same luxurious effect. More and more, the front yard is reverting to its native state as we relocate thirsty plants to areas where we can water by drip line. The native oak trees on the fringe of the yard are happy. It seems to me that they have grown taller and spread out a little more since we moved in. But there are still a few patches here and there that need to be hand-watered. The little troupe of bearded irises will be relocated soon. By then, I hope the lizard finds a new home.


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